North Shore Chiropractic
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What is the difference between Chiropractors and Physiotherapists?

We are often asked in clinic: “what’s the difference between Chiropractors and Physiotherapists”?

Injuries happen and it can be very confusing when you are in pain and wondering if a chiro or a physio would be the best person to see for some treatment.

We hope to shed some light on what it is exactly these professionals do to make your decision in choosing a practitioner that is right for you a little easier.

The short answer is it depends on the practitioner you see! Historically Chiro has focused on skeletal function where physio focused on muscular groups. Today evidence based medicine and the fact that we all tend to read the same research means that there is a lot of overlap between how both physiotherapists and chiropractors practice.


Chiropractic has come along way in recent years, A lot of our patients are surprised we treat muscle, ligament and tendon problems not just joint and spinal complaints! We used a combination of this hands on therapy with take home exercises to get the best results for our clients helping them meet their goals. Our long 30 minute treatment sessions are tailored to our clients, using a combination safe and effective methods in every session:

  • chiropractic adjustments
  • soft tissue releases / massage
  • shock wave therapy
  • dry needling
  • rehabilitation / corrective exercises / strength plans

We have fund that this combination of treatment modalities will have patients out of pain fast and keep them there.


The Australian physiotherapy association define physiotherapists as “professionals who work in partnership with their patients to help people get better and stay well.”  Phyio’s will often use a combination of treatment methods such as:

  • rehabilitation / corrective exercises / strength plans
  • Massage
  • dry needling

Treatment times vary and often there is a greater focus on having the patient moving with exercise and less time with hands on care however this again depends on the practitioner.

For further information on our clinical approach click here.

To make a booking with one of our chiropractors click here.

An Integrated Treatment Approach

We design solutions to reduce your pain, improve your mobility then retrain the way you move.