North Shore Chiropractic
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approved NDIS chiropractor


This is How easy it is to access our Chiropractic Care under the NDIS

Step 1 – Eligibility 

Eligible NDIS clients, their families and carers can access our Chiropractic treatment under the Scheme. As an NDIS participant you have the right to choose your own provider for all services.

Step 2 – Schedule an appointment

Making an appointment with us is easy. Use our online booking system to select a day / time for the preferred appointment and enter your details.

Please mention on your booking you are booking as an NDIS patient. 

Alternatively you can call the clinic on (02)94407388 and we can help you over the phone.

Step 3 –Inform your plan manager 

Contact your NDIS plan manager and inform them that you have made the first steps in booking your required chiropractic treatment. Forward their details onto us and we will be in contact with them forming a treatment plan to support you.

If you are NDIS self managed we can help you directly.

Step 4 – You are ready for your appointment

We will see you at our clinic for the Chiropractic care you require. 

Should you have a problem making it into us please phone us. In some cases we may be able to provide mobile Chiropractic care to you.


While Disc injuries are a common culprit in spine related health problems, its function is widely misunderstood.



The (intervertebral disc) disc is a small cartilage pad that sits between most bones of the spine. The soft jelly like center is contained by surrounding layers of fibrous tissues. Each disc serves as a connector, space, and shock absorber for the spine. When healthy, discs allow for normal turning and bending without pain.

Since spinal discs have a very poor blood supply, they depend upon the circulation of joint fluids to bring in nutrients and expel waste when repairing from injury. If a spinal joint loses its normal motion or position and this pumping action is impaired, then the health of this disc can deteriorate. Like a wet sponge, a healthy disc is flexible. A dry sponge is hard, stiff and can crack easily. This is how many disc problems begin.

Because of the way each disc is attached to the vertebrae above and below of it, a disc cannot “slip” as commonly thought. However acute trauma and repetitive micro trauma (poor movement) can cause discs to bulge, herniate, or rupture. This can be quite painful, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots and on occasion send pain down the arms or legs, and cause muscle weakness.

These injuries walk through our doors frequently and patients can often be surprised at how effective the chiropractic management of these can be. The focused treatment approach of restoring better motion and position of the spinal joints will not only help decrease the inflammation and begin the process of healing it will also help de-load the involved disc.

The following are all grades of disc injuries we treat at noth shore chiropractic Pymble:

Disc Degeneration – The disc looses its fluid content and degenerates down to a rough, worn-out appearance.

Disc Prolapse – The disc jelly like material in the moddle of the disc pushes to one side, forward or backward and swelling occurs. It is however contained within the outer fibers of the disc.

Disc Prolapse – The most common disc injury, where there is a tear  or microtears in the outer layers of the disc outside fibers with the jelly like material in the center pushing through.

Disc Sequestration – a piece of disc material seperates away and becomes a fragment or a free – floating piece.

Rehabilitation (rehab) after a disc injury is crucial in strengthening up some of the surrounding muscles to the disc to limit the chance of re-injuring the weak disc.

If you would like to know if  one of our experienced Chiropractors may be able to help you with your disc injury feel free  to call and have a discussion with us – (02) 94407388


Yes North Shore Chiropractors accept and treat workers compensation patient’s injuries.

Our Chiropractors are SIRA certified to diagnose, provide treatment and rehabilitation for injuries sustained at work and manage workers compensation patients back to work duties.

Types of workers compensation injuries that we treat:

  • Lumbar, Cervical disc protrusion
  • Muscle strains
  • Ligament sprains
  • Joint inflammation
  • Rotator cuff tears and strains
  • Knee meniscus injury
  • Impact injuries
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Lifting injuries

To make a booking at our Pymble clinic Sydney please call our office on – (02) 94407388 or email:



Recently we have heard from many of our clients in relation to poor home desk set up and ergonomics. Working from home with a poor desk set up leads to slouching, glaring and neck strain resulting in aches and pains.

We’re guessing these are common issues at this time and we want to help by giving you a few easy tips to make working from home more comfortable.

Your desk set up should be customised for you. 

Here are 4 easy steps on how to set up your desk at home ergonomically:

  1. CHAIR HEIGHTFirst, adjust your chair height so that your elbows are bent to 90° with your hands resting on the desk.If this now means your feet are off the floor, use a footrest or book as support.

    Next is the monitor. Keep this about an arms length away so you don’t need to bend forward or strain your eyes.

    Adjust your screen height using a stack of books to raise your monitor so that the top of the screen is at eye level.


    Place the keyboard where your hands naturally fall on the desk.

    Your mouse should be directly adjacent to the keyboard.

    A wireless mouse & keyboard is money well spent!


    If you are working from dual screens consider their placement.

    If mostly working from a primary screen, keep this directly in front of you.

    If using 2 monitors equally, have them set up so you position yourself in the middle of the 2 monitors.

Remember the body wasn’t built to stay stationary for hours on end. Necks and lower backs may start to stiffen up. ⏰Set yourself a timer and try these 4 stretches on the hour ⏰





We hope this helps, If it doesn’t – book a clinic appointment – here –


Before we jump into recovery and rehab for shoulder pain we want to point out that shoulder pain is one of, if not the most prevalent type of reoccurring pain in the swimming community that presents at our Pymble sports clinic.
You may have been diagnosed with impingement, tendonopathy, tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff strain, thoracic outlet syndrome, nerve impingement. Usually starting from an acute injury or from repetitive strain.
The shoulder has 3 major parts, if all are moving well it will contribute to a healthy shoulder.
1: The shoulder
2. The scapular
3. The thorax
The glenohumeral joint is the most complex the 3 parts, this is largely because it has the most range of movement allowing the shoulder to move in many directions, which needs a lot of stability and control. Moving well the glenohumeral joint moves on a stable scapular and flexible thorax.
A healthy shoulder will allow all of the ranges in the diagram below. This said the scapular needs to be anchored against the ribs to give the glenohumeral joint the best stabilisation available in that position, giving it strength and reducing the chance of injury.
For the scapular to be able to stabilise, the thorax needs to be in working order, meaning that the thoracic spine needs to be able to flex and extend as well as rotate. If this is the case the scapular will be able to slide nicely over the structures underneath, providing the stability the glenohumeral joint needs. There is an ideal motor patterning for the shoulder to keep the shoulder free of pain.
During the life of a shoulder there are patterning changes, these changes happen to deal with poor posture, overuse type movements, poor technique in the pool and pain. Correcting these motor pattern changes is key to gaining full function of the shoulder without pain.

Getting out of pain and staying out of pain

So you’ve got an injury, your feeling like you’re in control of dealing with the pain but what next? How do you get back to living your life without having to worry about whether your body is up to the task? The following won’t be a step by step guide on what to do but rather a solid framework to guide your thinking. It’s based on the work on Tim Gabbett PhD ( who has come up with a really good way of explaining this simply


When planning your recovery there are three key concepts: the “floor”, the “ceiling” and time. The “floor” represents your current physical capacity, The “ceiling” represents the physical capacity needed to do what you need to do in your life safely and effectively and time is simply how much time is needed to move from the “floor” to the “ceiling” safely without increasing the risk on reinjury.


A side point on how much time you should take to recover. This is one of the most common questions we get, “how long will it take for me to be better?”. This will vary from person to person and injury to injury but there is a sweet spot. If you go too fast you increase the risk of injury greatly and might end up re-injuring yourself or sustaining a new injury. If you go too slowly you reduce the risk of injury but can waste a lot of time in “rehab” when you could be living your life! But we can figure out a realistic and safe timeline for your recovery- combining the science of load management and tissue healing timelines. These two sciences help us figure out a safe “pace” for your recovery. It all about finding the balance.


So, if the goal is to get back to living your life the way you want without worrying about your body there’s a few things you need to do:

  1. Firstly, we need to identify your “ceiling”. Once you know what you need to be able to do we can start building a plan to get you there and have a solid idea of how much time it will take to do this safely. Your “ceiling” might include things like movements (being able to put your arm overhead so you can hit your tennis serve again or being able to squat down to the floor so you can play with your toddler), strength goals (things like being able to carry your groceries or lift weights in the gym) or fitness goals (like being able to mow the lawn for an hour or go for a 50km ride on the weekend). This will give a list of your physical goals.
  2. Next we need identify your “floor”, your starting point. This is individual to you and will take into consideration things like your age, previous injury and current capacity to name a few.
  3. Identify the hardest things you’ll need to be able to do physically. The “peaks” of physically that you’ll need to be able to achieve.
  4. Once we’ve identified your 1) ceiling, 2) floor and 3) peaks we can build a recovery program that’s respects the time needed to do so safely.
  5. Build and maintain physical habits that will protect you from injury in the future.

This summarises the basic framework we use to help our clients get back on the road again. A special thank goes out to Tim Gabbett for his research and teaching that help shape our approach.


One of the trickiest things to know when you have low back pain is who to see first for help. Do you see the GP? Chiro? Physio? Should I get a scan first?


A common opening line from new patients is “I wasn’t sure who I should see first…”. This isn’t surprising as there is a lot of conflicting information out there on the topic. So, here is a quick guide to help you know where to start after you have an episode of low back pain.


The good news is only about 1-5% of back pain is caused by serious disease or injury. If your back pain was caused by trauma, this may have caused a fracture, so a scan is a good place to start. Similarly, if you are experiencing urinary retention, loss of power or sensation in a limb, then a scan is also a good place to start.


If you back pain is associated with a fever or history of malignancy, then its best to get screened by your GP. Also, if you back pain is associated with abdominal pain or discomfort or painful urination your GP is the best starting point.


If none of these are present then you are likely in 95% of people with what is categorised as “non-specific low back pain” which respond very well to manual therapy and rehab, so a well recommended Chiro or Physio is a great place to start. And the good news is all primary health care practitioners in Australia are trained to screen for non-musculoskeletal (muscle, ligament and joint) issues and will refer you back to use GP for further assess if there is something you have missed.

If this sounds like you and you’d like to book an appointment, you can do that by clicking here.


Over 50% of sport related injuries are due to sprains, strains and breaks of musculoskeletal tissue. So if you have a tendon injury you’re not alone.

Here is a simple nutritional hack to help you get more out of your rehab program.

Taking gelatin and vitamin C together before your tendon rehab session has been shown to double the amount of collagen (what tendons are made of) synthesis. Simple but very effective!

How does this work? Gelation has a similar amino acid profile to your tendons. Taking this before your rehab session preloads your body with the build blocks for your injured tendon. The vitamin C acts as a catalyst for the reaction helping your tendon to suck up the gelation like a sponge. Which means you rebuild healthy strong tendons quicker!

So what exactly should you do? 1 hour before your rehab session take 15grams of gelatin or collagen supplement with a vitamin C rich drink like orange juice. Pretty easy!

Shockwave Therapy – Is it for you?

We’ve been using shockwave therapy for around 2 years now and are still impressed with result that this gets with tendinopathies, various muscle issues and plantar fasciitis. If you’ve have one of these you know how stubborn they can be to deal with. Shockwave therapy is a device used for tissue healing, fast pain relief and mobility restoration. Typically we see marked changes in around 5 sessions.

So how does it work? The shockwave device produces an acoustic pressure wave that penetrates into the tissue of the injured area. This causes the injury to undergo neovascularization, differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and local release of angiogenetic factors. Or in plain english it increases blow flow to the area and stimulates new healthy tissue to grow. It also decreases inflammation in the area. This mean less pain and new healthy tissue. Another benefit is that the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted to minimise any extra discomfort to an already sore area.

A session will typically last anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area. Which area usually performed 1 to 2 times per week over a 3-6 week period.

The results we’ve seen so far and the feedback we’ve had from patients has been great. If you’d like more information to see if we might be able to help you get in touch with us.

Or if you’d like to book an appointment to try shockwave therapy you can do that HERE.