North Shore Chiropractic
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Who is Nick Dobson? 

Hi my name is Nicholas Dobson and I have been involved in running the Knox Pymble performance swim program for over a decade. Through my time as coach I have seen many swimmers put a lot of effort – getting up at 4.30am, training for 2 hours and doing this all this again the next day to only have their effort go to waste after the swimmer develops (insert any one of the many injuries) which inevitably puts a stop to their races and pain through training.

Common swimming injuries can consist of:

  • Shoulder bursitis and impingement
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck irritation and pain
  • Ankle impingement syndromes
  • Overuse injuries
  • Shoulder Rotator cuff Strains


I have put this  swim screen together, to give swimmers a good understanding of how they are moving in the water and provide their therapist, trainer or coach weak link areas to work on to build on speed and resilience to injury.



The repetitive nature of swimming means that overuse injuries are common, especially if the swimmer has physical limitations such as restrictions in the way joints and muscles move. Rectrictions will also leak power in the pool, It has been shown in a study that a 3% improvement in flexibility in specific areas can lead to a 30% improvement in power. In swimming having a stream line position maters. And the best way to get this is undergoing a 20 minute screen to identify your weak links for your Coach / Chiro / Trainer to work on.

If a swimmer has a pre-existing limitation which restricts the swimmer from achieving the movement the coach is after, and the swimming screening can identify this issue. Once a screening is performed the coach has a pathway to Fix the limitation and move onto stroke correction.


What is involved in the swimming screen?

Let’s Take a look at Nick and Maya running through a screen


We understand you need to identify your week links before you can start fixing them through a unique mix of hands on tretament, dry – land training sessions and working with your swimming coach.


Book a swimming screen online with Nick – It only takes 45 mins and it can advance your swimming in leaps and bounds.